Envie de faire la fête et de (re)découvrir les meilleurs Bars/club du quartier de Plainpalais?Viens seul ou avec tes amis pour profiter du tour original de Pubcrawlers.ch à travers le quartier estudiantin le plus animé de Genève.
Sois certain de pouvoir venir: regarde sur notre calendrier quand se déroule notre prochain tour de plainpalais et rejoins-nous à 20h30 à « L’éléphant dans la canette » pour un pub crawl qui s’annonce épique! Réserve ta place et celles de tes potes ici!
3 bars / 1 club
3 boissons offertes
Entrée gratuite dans le club
Seulement CHF20
Rendez-vous à L’éléphant!
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Hi..Is there any pub crawl today I.e 15th July??
Hi there,
Sorry for our late reply. All the team is unfortunately on holidays during summer. We will be back in september! 😉
Will there be a pub crawl Sept. 1?
Pub crawl le samedi 10 mars 2018?
Prochain pubcrawl vers la fin du mois!
Next pubcrawl at the end of the month!
Is there any pub crawls today? (Tuesday 7th Aug)
Thank you
Unfortunately not before september, sorry. All the team is currently on holidays.
Hello! I want to know if today, September 7 there’s a tour in plainpalais or either in carouge!
Hello, unfortunately not tonight, sorry.
Hello! My name is Joe and some of my friends and I will be in town for the weekend and we were wondering if we could do a crawl with you guys. We are a group of six and would be very interested in going around Geneva and checking out the bar scene. Hope I am not getting to you guys too late! Let me know! Thank you!
Hello Joe !
I’m sorry for answering only now, but YES there is a PubCrawl tour tonight!
Hope it’s not too late and we’ll see you guys there, it’s at 8.15 PM in the bar: L’Eléphant dans la Canette (Avenue du Mail 18)
any possibilities for 1 or 2 march??